With a little help from some well placed gloves, Keegan was finally tall enough to ride Indiana Jones! That was the good news. The bad news was that it broke down in the dark spear room for about 15 minutes, when they finally got it going again he was not interested in riding it over, even though they offered us a chance to stay in the vehicle for a second lap! Hopefully he won't be spooked. We were supposed to go to DL again on Dec. 14, but I found out that I have to have an emergency oral surgery instead! Lucky me.
I'm not really nervous about the actual procedure, but the recovery. They have to put me to sleep. The last time I was put to sleep was when I was about 18 for wisdom teeth removal. I remember seeing double for a couple hours afterwards and being very grumpy. The doctor told me to have scrambled eggs and pancakes when I got home. When I sat down at the table to eat, still seeing double, my mom had made pancakes, eggs and bacon. She cut them up for me and I was mad that there was bacon when the doctor just said eggs and pancakes. I closed one eye, picked and ate only the eggs and pancakes, leaving the chopped bacon untouched. I can't wait to get home this time and start screaming at people!