Wednesday, November 22, 2006

First Time!

Katie is now tall enough to ride autopia by herself! This is something that I remember vividly as a kid. We would go to Disneyland once, maybe twice each year. I can remember the first two years running up to the measuring post only to find out that I wasn't tall enough yet, but the year I was finally able to ride! Wow that was great! One of the things I remember most when I was a kid, was that the smell of exhuast fumes reminded me of Disneyland! Autopia was one source and the busses that used to park close to the entrance of the old parking lot was the other. (where California Adventure is now) We would always walk by them to go to the gate. So I knew we were close when I could smell the fumes! Kind of Pavlovian. I wonder if they will start adding "Cars" characters to Autopia? Perhaps it will happen at WDW first since DL's Autopia had a major upgrade a few years ago with the Chevron sponsorship. By the way major contruction is happing at the submarine lagoon. It's totally drained and shielded from view. I wonder if the Monorails are not operating just to hide the work going on? Posted by Picasa

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