Sunday, August 27, 2006

Day 6 @ WDW - Boating

Good News/Bad News Department (Mostly good news) After swimming we got a chance to do something that I've always wanted to do, we rented two small boats and dashed around the Seven Seas Lagoon, (That's Laura's and Katie's boat in front of the Grand Floridian Resort) the body of water directly in front of the Magic Kingdom. Right after we got out on the water (10 minutes) the sky grew dark and it started to pour and a patrol boat told us to return to dock. Our whole trip lasted just 19 minutes, and the rental fee for the boats was $22 per half hour each boat, but when we arrived back at the dock the rental guy said "No charge." With the rain starting to come down a little hard, this was the only picture I was able to take. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

yasser said...

i have always wanted to do that too