Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Day 8 @ WDW - The last day

Had to show you Club Cool. In here you got to sample sodas from around the world for free anytime you wanted. It's hard for me to believe that Disney would allow this to hurt their lucrative sodas sales in the park, but if you're like me, and I know I am, this was the place to head when you were thirsty for something other than water. There can be up to 8 different sodas, but during our stay there was only 4. Vegita Beta from Japan was made with veggies, MezzoMix from Germany was like Coke with orange, Isreal had a lemon-lime soda, and I can't remember the other country but it was Ginger Ale. We all like the MezzoMix from Germany. Posted by Picasa

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